Friday, 18 May 2007

IDEA, Incredible? #12: All-Blogs 'representing' bloggers without a mandate?

WOW! Something happened. Looks like some bloggers like Poli101 are not happy that "the National Press Club kakis successfully staged a coup d etat , formed a junta, and the generals made themselves the voice of the Malaysian blogosphere."
Journalist and blogger Susan Loone also posed a pertinent question, "Who does All-Blogs really represent?"
Even ex-blogger Jed Yoong of Freelunch 2020 was quoted saying, "All Blogs must come clean that they HAVE no members, is an UNREGISTERED society with a pro-tem committee elected by about 40 bloggers (figure according to the STAR report), most of which appears to be pro-BN (Barisan Nasional), part of an anti-pak lah (Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), pro-najib (Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak)/Tun Mahathir Mohammad (ex-Prime Minister) faction. Then we have the outliers, loose cannons."
"So if I was still blogging, I would like All-Blogs to change their name as it is a misnomer, to quote KTemoc."
KTemoc also not happy with state of affairs as he wrote, " this stage, the title ‘All-bloggers’ may be a bit of a misnomer."
Old-timer and respected socio-politcal Mahaguru is also not pleased writing, "All Bloggers need to take our feelings into consideration and do not assume that they speak for the entire Malaysian Bloggers Community without taking a referendum as to where we stand on any such issues especially when it involves our liberties to be able to blog as we please."
Apa jadi? What happened? How to represent bloggers without a mandate? Democracy or junta?
What an idea! Incredible! Or an incredible idea?

Senior General Than Shwe, 73, is the head of the ruling junta and controls the army in Burma, which has been ruled by a repressive military junta for the last decade and a half, prompting economic stagnation and international condemnation. (BBC)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! definitely, an incredible idea!