Sunday, 29 April 2007

PKR's 'crushing' defeat?

My comment on the dust settles in ijok @ reduced and recycled

not so crushing….

they failed to get indian votes. unlike lunas, chinese votes made up about 30% while indian votes about 19%. but in ijok, indian votes make up about 30% (about 3,000 votes and 60% of the votes for BN) and MIC secured these votes.

chinese and malay votes were fairly split with a shocking swing to BN in Kg Setia Jaya which was previously a PKR “stronghold” in 2004. it was also where PKR supporters blocked najib from checking the polling stations and some minor fracas broke out. malays are very polite people and do not condone “kurang ajar” behaviour, esp those living in kgs. so this may be a reason for the swing to BN. even so, the majority would have reduced by only 300-400. khalid still needed another 1,400 votes.

minus the phantom of about 1,000, that leaves about 500.

and the recounting, recounting….they were still counting the votes in nine ballot boxes at 8pm. very dodgy. maybe even more hantu there?

if you read Star’s report on Sunday, you will not that they reported the sudden influx of voters after 2pm. not sure if this was because that’s what anwar told ppl to do in his ceramahs or a case of phantom voters. the voter turnout is another record…close to 82% and like khalid said may even be 90% after adjustments.

anwar ibrahim had to lead the charge because that’s what PKR expects him to do. if he doesn’t, he would be accused of all sorts of things like wanting to rejoin UMNO. and he went ALL out to campaign.

like you said, he has a past. whether it will become a liability or not depends on how you play his cards.

malaysians, including me, are a forgiving bunch. but we are also wondering why were the attacks solely directed at najib when pak lah and son-in-law are even more controversial.

it’s also rather disgraceful that he, his wife and tian or other top leaders did not congratulate BN when they won.

PKR played the race card and miscalculated. For it was the Indian vote who were loyal to MIC that cliched the victory for BN.

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